In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature.
As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different .
Latest Release:
The Blood hound downfall (3) .
The Blood hound downfall (2) .
The blood hound downfall .
Night shade .
Troubling news .
- o The call o
- n A Howl in
- 1) Reborn (1)
- 2) Reborn (2)
- t Figuring t
- Payback
- (2 Payback (2
- p The Gang p
- ra Going Vira
- t Skill Set
- yx Blood Onyx
- Ro Morning Ro
- Ro Morning Ro
- E. The G.E.E.
- su Chaos Ensu
- od Cold blood
- e� The chase�
- ow Final Show
- ch Growing ch
- at New threat
- s Armaments
- s Armaments
- r Preps for
- m The full m
- m The full m
- m The full m
- m The full m
- m The full m
- ok We’re ok
- en The golden
- gi The new gi
- st The Invest
- g Troubling
- ad Night shad
- d The blood
- d The Blood
- d The Blood