In the dystopic world of 2072 ravaged by a ruthless war, Mike is a cyberknight fighting for a regime which promises justice and reforms to a broken world. However, virtue is a fragile concept, especially for an empire built on lies. Eventually, corrupt minds filled with delusion and madness will reveal themselves. When the masks drop, will there still be peace or a future?
Blessed are those who can dream, condemned are those who remain in reality. In the dark, resolve is the only path forward.
Ps. This story is a combination of fantasy and sci-fi which defy the normal trope of the dystopic future genre.
- 9 Year 2069
- w A broken w
- ai Blood stai
- r World War
- Mu Mike G. Mu
- m The last m
- o Illusion o
- f A turn of
- cl The Catacl
- -u The wake-u
- hs The truths
- hs The truths
- hs The truths
- hs The truths
- hs The truths
- s Point of s
- po Crystal po
- m Ultimatum
- l The final
- fa Duel of fa
- fa Duel of fa
- if A new, dif
- gh Cyberknigh
- oa A lone roa
- m Human or m
- s Pandora's
- f Stay and f
- rs Enter Hors
- o Symphony o
- Touch
- or Fate's hor
- up Gearing up
- Horseman
- S Revamped S
- ng Dethroning
- Th Fury of Th
- in A demon in
- in A demon in
- in A demon in
- in A demon in
- in A demon in
- w The city w
- f The iron f
- Ga Queen's Ga
- Ga Queen's Ga
- Ga Queen's Ga
- r Forceful r
- g Beginning
- er Rats under
- he End of the
- le Impossible
- di Our unendi
- yo I'm not yo
- am Muted flam
- a The opera
- th Smiting th
- dr Keeping dr
- y The diary
- ea Out of rea
- it From fruit
- KD-555
- dr When Kindr
- g Something
- o Dive Into
- o Dive Into